Tuesday, October 28, 2008


As a kid I always enjoyed Halloween.. It's was so fun to get dressed up, grab the pillowcase and head for the streets, stocking up on soo much candy my mom had to ration it out for the next 2months! Now that I'm an adult, I still love to dress up, and I may not trick or treat, but there's always a good Halloween Shindig to go to! Here's some pics from this years get together..

Skull Barbarian and his Queen...

Mr. & Mrs. Potter (watch out, they might use their wands on you!)

Barbarians, Cruella & Rufio?? (more Speth fam!)
He was mad all night because I didn't know who Rufio was..
heh heh, I guess he's the leader of the Lost Boys?

Potter & Skull Queen.. Good times!

Beer Wench & Jackie Moon..
No Marley at this party! I can't wait to see her in her cute little Bumble Bee outfit.. BZZZZ!

Monday, October 13, 2008

With snow.. comes Football!

Ok, I get it. You are not happy about the snow.. It's too early.. It's too cold.. Blah! But, I looovve it! Not only is it beautiful, the air is crisp and the mountains are breathtaking.. and snowboarding is right around the corner! Sweet!

My little football baby.. already an avid Raiders fan, (yes,the Raiders.) Every time football comes on the tv or the laptop, or some magazine, she starts yellin and jumpin around with excitment. Too funny.. Just like her daddy!

Friday, October 10, 2008


So, I'm on my 2nd or 3rd hour of this blogging stuff... and I have a headache.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

K so I have finally jumped on the blogspot bandwagon! I'm not totally sure how to do it, or what to do, but I will keep trying till I get it!! Not too much has been going on in the Speth fam lately.. Just tryin to make a dolla! Holla!

By Haley Miller..

By Haley Miller..

Marley Ann

Marley Ann
sit right here mom..